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Healthcare Upgrade

The upgraded Xenon healthcare scanner family offers many new features to increase the productivity of the healthcare professional, while improving the patient experience. Honeywell’s Xenon healthcare scanner has long been the choice for best-in-class healthcare organizations looking to improve their medication administration and positive patient identification workflows. Utilizing Honeywell’s sixth-generation Adaptus™ area-imaging technology, the Enhanced Xenon 1902h delivers incredibly responsive reading of virtually all 1D, PDF, and 2D bar codes—and now includes a number of features specifically requested by clinicians to further enhance patient comfort and improve common clinician workflows.

SKU Description
1T70755 Scanner Only: 1D, PDF, 2D, HD focus, white disinfectant-ready housing, Bluetooth, color imaging
1T70756 USB Kit: 1D, PDF, 2D, HD focus, white disinfectant-ready housing scanner (1902hHD-5-COL), charge & communication base (CCB01-010BT-HC), USB Type A 3.0m straight cable (CBL-500-300-S00), color imager
1T70759 Base Station


Ingram Micro DC/POS

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